Tattygar Primary School

Tattygar Primary School

"Learning, Fun & Friendship since 1928"

Fermanagh Feis Syllabus 2025

Entry forms have now been completed and submitted to the Feis Committee
Dear Parents

As you may already be aware, the Annual Fermanagh Feis will take place in March 2025 and we are keen to offer you the opportunity to get involved.

A full copy of the syllabus is available to view here on our school website.  Miss Cleary will discuss entries to the Feis with the school at assembly but we encourage you to read through the Feis booklet for lots more information.

We will provide some time in our afterschool Drama Club with Miss Cleary, and also in 3 after-school Art Club Sessions to help with preparations. We would encourage the children to complete preparation for any of the other events at home in their own time.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks

Links to the syllabus can also be found on the official Feis Fermanagh Facebook page 

P1 Songs

Class 1B - P1 Girls - Wind The Bobbin Up

Class 1A - P1 Boys - The Moon

P2 Songs

Class 2B - P2 Girls - Pop Goes the Weasel

Class 2A - P2 Boys - Ding Dong Bell

P3 Songs

Class 3B - P3 Girls - Three Little Kittens

Class 3A - P3 Boys - The Working Song

P4 Songs

Class 4B - P4 Girls - Tinga Layo!

Class 4A - P4 Boys - Three Little Towns

P5 Songs

Class 5B - P5 Girls - Let Us Break Bread Together

Class 5A - P5 Boys - Cockles & Mussels

P6 Songs

Class 6B - P6 Girls - My Grandfather's Clock

Class 6A - P6 Boys - The Cuckoo

P7 Songs

Class 7B - P7 Girls - Song of the Boats

Class 7A - P7 Boys - The Frog